Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sample #2 from the book "Sober Conversation"

He sat in the cold rain feeling sorry for himself. There wasn’t much thinking it through. He’d had enough. Without hesitation he took two or three pills and swallowed them. Now the ice had been broken. After a brief pause, he resumed taking two or three at a time. He wasn’t sure how many were in the bag, but he took them all. He was sure that he wanted to take enough to die. This wasn’t a cry for help. He only wanted the pain to end. He took all the pills without any hesitation or doubt.
When he was done, he felt no regret. He felt nothing but relief. He wasn’t sure how long it would take or how it would happen. He didn’t care. He was just relieved that it would soon be over. Brian had supper that night with his father and step mother like it was any other night. There was no drama, no suicide note. He called no attention to himself. He gave them no reason to suspect anything was wrong. He ate, did the dishes, pretended to do his homework and went to bed.

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