Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Give Me One Good Reason!

We are all painfully aware of all of the bad things that can happen to us if we continue drinking and doing drugs. We have been reminded a thousand times of the destruction and loss that comes with refusing to stay sober. I knew I was ruining my life and the lives of people who love me, but that didn't stop me. When was the last time anyone thought about all the great things that can happen when you are sober? I hear all the war stories and tragedies at meetings but nobody ever follows up those stories with all the incredible things that have happened to them since they have gotten sober. Wouldn't it be nice to hear more success stories that came from people who nearly didn't make it? I'll speak for myself in saying that I absolutely had to do the 12 steps in order to put myself in a position to remain sober. Having goals and ambitions is an enormous part of my staying sober. Being sober and waiting around for time to pass is a killer for me. I thrive on being positive and working toward goals. I love helping people that want help. There is more than enough negativity out there. I would love to see more blogs that can encourage newcomers to get and stay sober. It seems to me it is easier to run to something good than to run from something bad! - Just one sober guy's opinion.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Time to Quit Whining!

As does everyone on the planet, I find myself being a little ungrateful and whiny from time to time. I have the same stresses as the rest of the human race and overall I have a fantastic life. I have an amazing wife, great kids, great business and fun hobbies. I recently bought my first new car I have ever had. A shiny new BMW. I instantly got into an accident in my new car. I whined and moaned for two days. In the middle of my little temper tantrum my sister-in law shows up at my door with her three kids. She has been keeping her regular beatings by her alcoholic husband a secret until now. After he threatens to burn the house down with her and the kids in it and then smashes all the phones in the house she makes a break for my house with her kids in tow. After a stressful weekend of trying to settle down the poor kids and setting up our house for them to stay I realized what an ungrateful spoiled bastard I can be. I'm worried about a luxury item while my sister-in law is trying to stay alive. I love that we have sober blogs and that I have the opportunity to confess my stupidity to all of you. It helps me gain perspective and keep my ass in line. Thank you for listening!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Inability to Understand My Friends

Don't get me wrong, my friends are decent people and I care for them greatly. I have a few however who aren't getting the program very well. They know they have a problem and have openly admitted it, but can't seem to summon the strenght or the desire to move forward. I know this is a disease but there has to be some personal responsibility involved in getting better. Stopping your intake of drugs and alcohol is only the first in many steps needed. Even after completing the 12 steps and getting my life on a positive track, I still have to deal with life as it may be. It is difficult and painful to watch good, loving and decent people that have a ton to offer the world live in a prison of their own design. Perhaps I have forgotten what it is like to be in the grips of drugs and alcohol?