Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Inability to Understand My Friends

Don't get me wrong, my friends are decent people and I care for them greatly. I have a few however who aren't getting the program very well. They know they have a problem and have openly admitted it, but can't seem to summon the strenght or the desire to move forward. I know this is a disease but there has to be some personal responsibility involved in getting better. Stopping your intake of drugs and alcohol is only the first in many steps needed. Even after completing the 12 steps and getting my life on a positive track, I still have to deal with life as it may be. It is difficult and painful to watch good, loving and decent people that have a ton to offer the world live in a prison of their own design. Perhaps I have forgotten what it is like to be in the grips of drugs and alcohol?


  1. I find the sense of urgency to get well stems from a very thorough understanding of the disease which i try to go through in step 1. This may be why i find step 1 sooo exhausting. there's a great deal of education to be done. loads! the mental defence, the alcoholic mind, the progressive aspect, and the implications of those things to name but a few. i think unless you can 'see' the long term consequences of the illness, that there will be no sense of urgency. i do not really start workin gthe steps with a sponsee till they have 'got' this part. to what I consider to be a sufficient degree anyway. but if its ay consolation, I do sympathise, as i know how frustrating this is!

  2. You write very well.
