Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I am so happy that I began and continue down the path of personal growth. the people, techniques and ideas I have been exposed to over the last year have really help shape my life in a positive and constructive nature. While it has been difficult at times and required constant vigilence, I have seen the results in my attitude and relationships. I am grateful as hell to be sober for as long as I have and grateful that I recognized that the need for improvement is life long. Thank you to all of the positive genuine people I have met and worked with. I hope your influence reaches those who have not yet recieved it.


  1. How important is it for those who have (and are) walking the path, leading the way for those that may be hopeless and broken to follow.

    I fell in love with those in the fellowship. It was the enegy and passion they had for living life sober that helped me to keep coming back!

    Nice 2 meet you!

  2. hey there, its great to see the perspective of someone a long time sober, still learning and growing. I loved what you had to say about your wife. Gratitude kepts in awe of all that we are blessed with. welcome to the blogging fellowship.

  3. It's all about progress, eh?
    Welcome to the recovery blogging world.

  4. I dont blog just about getting sober but about the funny day to day things which happen to me.
    But yes nearly 3 years down the line of AA and the fellowship and my life has turned round, I have gone from deppression and misery to peace and love.
    Its a great life sober.
    I followed soberchicks link here btw

  5. Nice to meet you A.M. Duke~

    My name is Gwen and I am an alcoholic.

    I look forward to getting to know you as I have sooo sooo many others online.

    Have a wonderful 24~

  6. Hi Duke. Sober Chick sent me. Any friends of her, is my friend too. It's good to know you. Welcome to Recovery Blogosphere!

    Greeting from Malaysia.

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry it has taken me a couple of days to get over to yours. Welcome to the sober blogging world. It really is a great community.

  8. Hey Sober Chic sent me out to say HI- welcome to our blogging community. Hope to see ya making the rounds with us. Happy 4th

  9. Hey buddy, welcome to the world of sober bloggers
