Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Irony of Strength

I have often heard people speak of not having the strength to remain clean and sober or not having the strength to avoid temptation. While it is true that it does require both mental and spiritual strength to achieve any level of success getting and staying clean and sober, I have always found it ironic that people don’t believe they possess the strength to do so.

How much strength does it take to bear the pain of your addiction? How much strength does it take to keep fighting the awful truth that you have a drug and alcohol problem? How much strength does it take to continually lie to those who love you and are trying to save you? It takes an enormous amount of strength to continually live in misery.

Perhaps if all of that fight and strength was directed at not drinking or using for one single day you would be one day closer to true happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, congratulations on your sobriety, that is awesome! I help a recovering addict who is in prison to post to his blog about his addiction, his recovery, and his experience in prison. He is a 22 year old man and I think he would agree with your comment about the toll of addiction taking a lot of strength. He has learned this the hard way himself, but now he is hoping to help others, along with himself, by writing of his spiritual journey. Take a look and please feel free to leave a comment, I mail them to him and he really enjoys hearing what people have to say. Thanks for your blog, it's great!
