Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Forgot About Being Human!

If you have read any of my blogs I'm sure you noticed that I'm generaly a positive optimistic person. I try to be the guy who will look for reasons that something CAN be done as opposed to why it Can't be done. I can usually maintain a positive outlook. But sometimes despite my best efforts I just get down. I have had a very grumpy couple of days. Then I start to put pressure on myself to snap out of it. I don't like being grumpy in front of my employees. I feel it is my job to lead by example and motivate them. The more pressure I put on myself the worse I feel. Eventually I come to my senses and realize that I am just a lowly human. Life is what life is and there's only so much I can control. It's O.K. to be bummed out for no good reason. As soon as I remember this I usually lighten up and I am back to being myself. It is amazing how I seem to forget that I'm human and give myself a lot more importance than I'm due.


  1. I posted a comment to you rearlier but I think blogger was acting up.

    I think your title says it all, you are so human. Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to be perfect! Now if we can only accept that :)

  2. "The more pressure I put on myself the worse I feel."

    Is a CLASSIC example how repression MULTIPLIES problems. Repressed parts are known as 'shadow parts'. If you read some stuff about the shadow you will see the pattern of running away from disowned aspects more clearly, and you will be less likely to get hijacked by them. I LOVE shadow work. .Anyway. Glad you came to your senses..
